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Stories of Lakeside



“My name is Kesh, and this is my incredible journey from beneficiary to donor and volunteer with Lakeside Family Services (Lakeside). Back in 2015, things were tough, and I struggled to pay my university fees. At the time, my girlfriend (who’s now my wife) introduced me to Lakeside, and she was sure they would lend a helping hand if I shared my situation with them.

“They took up my case, which gave me hope. I got an appointment with a caseworker from Lakeside’s Family Service Centre, who welcomed me with a smile. I left the centre confident, knowing there are good people out there helping those in need. They applied for the MILK Fund, which allowed me to pay off my school fees within a few months.

Without their help, I wouldn’t be able to focus on my studies, complete my degree and be where I am today. I’m an engineer now, happily married and blessed with a beautiful child. The entire experience motivated me to give back when I can. The moment I graduated, got a job and settled my family issues, I asked Lakeside how my wife and I could contribute. They are doing something noble, and we wanted to be a part of it.

They introduced us to their befriending programme, where we would be matched with families who were in the same challenging situations, we were in. Being there for them as friends when things were tough and helping them out with rations showed me so much about compassion, love, and appreciation. While volunteering, I learned many life lessons that I plan to share with my child.

Life is not the same for everyone, nor does everyone have everything in life. But the people of Lakeside showed me that when there is faith and trust, there is hope. Let’s all chip in what we can, in any way, to bring hope to those in need. I donate monthly, and I hope you will join me in supporting them with your kind donations. A small aid from someone can change another person’s life.”

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