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Stories of Lakeside

Featured Person (4)


“Since I was young, I’ve always known I wanted to help the disadvantaged. But due to family commitments, I had to abandon the idea. Later in life, I found out for the first time what social work is all about. By then, I had been working in the corporate world for many years and decided it was time to give back. Despite my age, I took the bold step of fulfilling my childhood dream by becoming a social worker.


“My proudest moments? Seeing positive changes in families, marriages restored, parent-child relationships improved, clients staying resilient and moving out of poverty, and wanting give back after receiving our support.

I think about my former client Nabisah, whom I had the privilege of journeying with a few years ago. She was brave enough to step out of her comfort zone to pursue change in her life and protect her loved ones from abuse. It was a joy to work with her family and encouraging to see them stay joyful despite the circumstances they were in.

However, the life of a social worker is not a bed of roses. Some cases are tough and emotionally strenuous. I faced disheartening moments and tremendous challenges. But all of us work as a team to make sure no staff or client is left behind. We emphasise strongly on our mission and walk the talk at work.

Thankfully, I’ve also had the unwavering support of my husband Ingo through it all. When the work week is too taxing, he pampers me. He can see the passion I have, so he volunteers for Lakeside. Investing our time and effort has made our relationship stronger as we both believe in reaching out to those in need. You can support Lakeside’s work through the Mission30 campaign. Let’s restore family relationships, enable children to complete their studies without obstacles, and be a voice for the vulnerable together!”

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