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I am 我是 *

Full Name 全名 *
Last 4 characters of NRIC/FIN/Passport 身份证的最后四个字符 *
Religion 宗教
Nationality 国籍*
Gender 性别*
Race 种族
Marital Status 婚姻状况
Address 住址
Contact Number 电话号码*
Date of birth 出生日期*
Email 电邮
Occupation 职业

Interested to volunteer as 有兴趣参与的义工服务

Please Select Role

Description :

We are looking for volunteers aged 13yo and above who are keen to befriend children, facilitate discussions and encourage them to participate in activities.

Please select the shift accordingly to the no. of sessions you can commit to!

  • 2 September 2024 only (9.5hrs)
  • 2-3 December 2024 only (19hrs)
  • 2 September and 2-3 December 2024 (28.5hrs)

Location :
516 Jurong West Street 52, #01-73, 640516

Please Select Shift 请选择

Name of Organisation / Institution *
Number of volunteers *
How did you get to know about us 您是如何认识我们的?*
Lakeside Events 湖畔活动*
Others 其他*
Skillsets 特别技术 / 才能

Others 其他
Commitment 义工服务期
Please tick the box if you are new to volunteering 如果这是您第一次当义工,请在方框中打勾
Please briefly state your past or current volunteer experience 请简要说明之前的义务工作经验
Emergency Contact Name 紧急联络人*
Emergency Contact No 紧急联络号码*
Relationship 关系*

Declaration 宣言

Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence? 您是否曾经因任何刑事罪行而被判刑? *

If yes, kindly specify 若有, 请明确说明
Do you have any pre-existing medical condition (e.g., disablity / mental health condition)? 您是否有任何现有的医疗状况(例如,残疾/心理健康状况)?*

If yes, kindly specify 若有, 请明确说明
Other Remarks 其他备注

Declaration and Consent 宣言

I understand that Lakeside’s Personal Data Protection Policy Statement is in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. I have been informed that the Data Protection Policy is available on Lakeside's website.

我了解,湖畔的《个人数据保护政策声明》符合《 2012年个人数据保护法》。我已获悉,该政策可在湖畔的网站上找到。


Volunteer Management

Tel: 6265-6522

Lakeside Family Services (Taman Jurong)
21 Yung Ho Road, #03-01
The Agape, Singapore 618593