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I am 我是 *

Full Name 全名 *
Last 4 characters of NRIC/FIN/Passport 身份证的最后四个字符 *
Religion 宗教
Nationality 国籍*
Gender 性别*
Race 种族
Marital Status 婚姻状况
Address 住址*
Contact Number 电话号码*
Date of birth 出生日期*
Email 电邮
Occupation 职业

Interested to volunteer as 有兴趣参与的义工服务

Please Select Role

Reader Volunteer WCR (Saturdays) 2024
Description :


  • Prepare lesson plans and conduct lessons. (Materials will be provided).
  • Record the children’s attendance and progress.

Profile and skills required:

  • Aged 16 & above.
  • Able to teach and read English proficiently.
  • Dedicated, patient and understanding to work with children.
  • Training will be provided.

Schedule and Commitment:

  • Weekly Saturday mornings between 10.00am to 12.30pm.
  • Duration: Upto 40 minutes /session / week between the time specified above.
  • No session during the school holidays.
  • Minimum 6 months of commitment.

Location :
Reader Volunteer WCR (Weekdays) 2024
Description :


  • Prepare lesson plans and conduct lessons (Materials will be provided).
  • Record the children's attendance and progress.

Profile and skills required:

  • Aged 16 & above.
  • Able to teach and read English proficiently.
  • Dedicated, patient, and understanding to work with children.
  • Training will be provided.

Schedule and Commitment:

  • Weekday afternoons between 2.30pm to 4.30pm.
  • Up to 40 minutes/ session/ week between the time specified above.
  • No session during the school holidays.
  • Minimum 6 months of commitment.

Location :
online, Singapore

Please Select Shift 请选择

Name of Organisation / Institution *
Number of volunteers *
How did you get to know about us 您是如何认识我们的?*
Lakeside Events 湖畔活动*
Others 其他*
Skillsets 特别技术 / 才能

Others 其他
Commitment 义工服务期
Please tick the box if you are new to volunteering 如果这是您第一次当义工,请在方框中打勾
Please briefly state your past or current volunteer experience 请简要说明之前的义务工作经验
Emergency Contact Name 紧急联络人*
Emergency Contact No 紧急联络号码*
Relationship 关系*

Declaration 宣言

Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence? 您是否曾经因任何刑事罪行而被判刑? *

If yes, kindly specify 若有, 请明确说明
Do you have any pre-existing medical condition (e.g., disablity / mental health condition)? 您是否有任何现有的医疗状况(例如,残疾/心理健康状况)?*

If yes, kindly specify 若有, 请明确说明
Other Remarks 其他备注

Declaration and Consent 宣言

I understand that Lakeside’s Personal Data Protection Policy Statement is in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. I have been informed that the Data Protection Policy is available on Lakeside's website.

我了解,湖畔的《个人数据保护政策声明》符合《 2012年个人数据保护法》。我已获悉,该政策可在湖畔的网站上找到。


Volunteer Management

Tel: 6265-6522

Lakeside Family Services (Taman Jurong)
21 Yung Ho Road, #03-01
The Agape, Singapore 618593