Stories of Mission30
Today, she serves as the Acting Head of Lakeside Integrated Service Provider (ISP), working with youths-at-risk and guiding them through issues like truancy, petty offences, gangsterism, and challenging family needs.
Jaclyn also received unwavering support throughout her journey from her parents, Geoff and Aileen. They recognised the immense challenges she and her colleagues face daily while addressing the diverse social issues affecting today’s youths. They understand the pivotal role Lakeside plays in providing support and assistance to the community without discrimination.
They take immense pride in witnessing Jaclyn’s growth into the remarkable person she is today. Their support goes beyond words, as Aileen hosts events, and Geoff emcees fundraisers, in support of Lakeside’s cause – driven by the heartfelt belief that this is their chance to pay it forward for the blessings they have enjoyed.
Join Jaclyn and her family in their mission to uplift lives and pave new pathways for those in need. Be a part of our mission to bring about positive change @ lakeside.org.sg/mission30/