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Stories of Mission30

Featured Person (2)

Geok Huat

“You can say I’m lived many lives. In 22 years, I signed on with the army, worked a corporate job, and became a full-time pastor until I joined Lakeside as an intern while doing my Masters in Counselling. I loved the culture here, the people, their passion to serve. There were so many needs in the community, and I could see myself being able to contribute and make a difference in the lives of the vulnerable. 


Since 2008, I’ve had the opportunity to work with ((ex)inmates and their families) prisoners, (problem gamblers) gambling addicts, and the homeless. Currently, I oversee our prisons team, which provides in-care and after-care services for (ex-)inmates and their families. What makes me excited to come to work each day? People who are passionate about what they do and the contagious energy they have as they motivate our clients towards change.  

This is important because our work is not easy. The family issues we see now have become more complex and multi-faceted. That is why Lakeside is always willing to be current in our services to respond to the changing needs and climate. We dare to pioneer new services to impact lives simply because we are called to love and accept fellow human beings and bring hope into their lives.  

Our society becomes inclusive when we are willing to support those who have made mistakes in life and want change. We should give people who want to do right, opportunities to do so. For example, ex-inmates with the right skills and aptitude can be employed to do what they are good at. This develops their confidence and they gain hope when they see they can make a difference and contribute to society. They find new purpose and meaning when such opportunities are given to them.  

For 30 years, Lakeside has been serving the community with quality professional services. We don’t charge clients like (ex)inmates and their families because many cannot afford it. Yet regardless of circumstances, everyone deserves dignity, love and acceptance.”  

Geok Huat hopes you will lend your support to keep our programmes sustainable and available for the those who need it most. Donate or start your own fundraiser here:  

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